TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician

Ambient music

On August 26th, I released "Ambient Buddhism 4" on bandcamp.It's the fourth album in this well-received series.You can listen to the full album on bandcamp, so please give it a listen. Ambient Buddhism 4 (Japanese ambient album) by TAKEO SUZUKI For this album, I tried to incorporate many elements of minimal music. I tried to create a sound with a repetitive rhythm that promotes awakening. You can watch the full version on YouTube, so please give it a listen. https://youtu.be/fwJtiQBbkCM


Distribution videoRadio program “TAKEO SUZUKI Electronic music” part 13 | Psybient Buddhism MIX In this podcast program, I will broadcast Psybient remix of Ambient Buddhism. If you are a member of YouTube and Patreon, you can watch it & download the MP3 file now. Be sure to check it out! https://youtu.be/PohrX8RFtII Patreon / TAKEO SUZUKI Psybient Buddhism MIX TAPE (MP3) https://www.patreon.com/TAKEOSUZUKI/shop/takeo-suzuki-psybient-buddhism-mix-tape-315079?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link


I would like to explain again about Ambient Buddhism. Ambient music, as proposed by Brian Eno, is defined as "music that blends into the surrounding environment." It also has the ambiguity of music that is interesting but negligible. I believe this is similar to the Buddhist concept of ``awareness,'' which expands our consciousness and encourages us to become more deeply aware of our surroundings. Buddhist thought places emphasis on letting go of personal ego and attachment, and ambient music also aims to blend into the background without attracting too much attention from the listener. This shows that both share an attitude of not pushing the ego or personal presence to the forefront. Ambient music also provides the listener with a…


Composing ambient music to be included in the album “Ambient Buddhism 4” to be released on bandcamp on August 26.We are in the process of making last minute selections of music to be included on the album.Of course I'll make it in time for the release date.


Experimental techno production in progress.Basically, I will make parts in a loop and arrange them later.The full video of this is available on YouTube membership.