TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician



Radio program “TAKEO SUZUKI Electronic music” part 12 | Experimental techno https://youtu.be/kg49gEjfjeQ


https://youtu.be/8A7x1uNJanw || Special videos are now available with your membership || You will find ad-free videos, making-of videos, new songs, advance releases of new albums, downloadable album art, downloadable MP3 files of live and DJMIX soundtracks, and other content. Please register. https://www.youtube.com/@takeosuzuki_electronic/join




https://youtu.be/Cp_ZL3m2F68 2.5H Ambient Buddhism Selected music for meditation sessions Vol.13 This is a 2.5-hour BGM video of tracks from the Japanese Buddhist Ambient Album "end and beginning (Drone ambient Album)" and "Ambient Buddhism 2" that have been specially selected for meditation sessions.


https://youtu.be/1KHs-9GWgHg The radio program "TAKEO SUZUKI Electronic music" part 10 | Psychill DJ MIX is now available.It is a DJ MIX using tracks from the club mix album "Version" by PSYCHELIDEC, the alias I used when I created Psychill music.Members can get the MP3 files of the DJ mix for free.Please check it out.