TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician


July 23, 2024 two albums were released on bandcamp.The first is “Novelty 2,” an album of 9 tracks of experimental techno and IDM sounds.The other is “Subjective sounds”, a sound art piece. Novelty 2 (Japanese experimental techno / IDM) by TAKEO SUZUKI subjective sounds (Japanese sound art / noise album) by TAKEO SUZUKI The tracks on these two albums were created a long time ago.In fact, they were previously released under the artist name “atda”. At the time, I was still losing my stance and didn't realize the importance of those tracks, so I put them in storage.However, after thinking about what kind of sound I should be presenting now, I decided to re-publish them on two albums. These albums…

Experimental music - IDM

Released on bandcamp subjective sounds (Japanese sound art / noise album) by TAKEO SUZUKI Also available on YouTube https://youtu.be/k3jzgxUy_us

Experimental music - IDM

Released on bandcamp Novelty 2 (Japanese experimental techno / IDM) by TAKEO SUZUKI Also available on YouTube https://youtu.be/-F9YL8kX7mo


I love Japanese anime and manga. Since I grew up in Japan watching a variety of anime and manga as a child, there are quite a few Japanese people who like anime and manga.In Japan, “kawaii” tends to be popular. When I see something cute, I tend to say “kawaii!It seems strange when you think about it, but I use “kawaii” on a daily basis.I think this is proof that “kawaii” has gained citizenship in Japan. I like cute things, partly because of this situation.I am especially attracted to things related to cats. My love for cats has finally grown to the point where I have created a character and started selling goods. You can see them on this site.…


When I create original music and publish it on the Internet, I often receive a variety of opinions.Some of them are negative, but I am very happy to receive their opinions.Everyone has different sensibilities and different ways of thinking. I consider all of these things to be wonderful. Even if it is morally unacceptable.The reason why I think this way is because I am inspired by the Buddha's philosophy.I am not attached to things. Always maintain equanimity. It means to accept everything.And the joy of having access to the work I release as an artist.I live in joy every day.