TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician

タグ:Ambient buddhismが付いている記事一覧


https://soundcloud.com/takeosuzuki/zen-experimental-ambient-takeo-suzuki-dj-mix-vol18?si=eefd678651084dfe9339047f529d22f5&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing ZEN Experimental Ambient - TAKEO SUZUKI DJ MIX Vol.18 Zen Experimental Ambient MIXA DJMIX of experimental ambient music based on Buddha's philosophy created by Japanese independent electronic musician TAKEO SUZUKI. This time, he mixes mainly new Ambient Buddhism music that has not been released yet. DJ MIX YouTube podcast program by TAKEO SUZUKI, a Japanese electronic musician/DJ with multiple activities including Experimental ambient, Psychill music, Techno, IDM, and experimental music.  All Contents members with a YouTube membership will receive a free MP3 file of this broadcast.(YouTube members will be provided with a download link in a dedicated post section after the video is released to the public.) The soundtrack of this broadcast is available for download in the original…


https://youtu.be/CktQbHb-Cjo Ambient Buddhism Section 27 - TAKEO SUZUKI (Official Video) / ZEN Experimental Ambient This is the official video for a track from the album [ Ambient Buddhism 3 ] released on April 17, 2024 on bandcamp. Download AlbumAmbient Buddhism 3 | TAKEO SUZUKIhttps://takeosuzuki.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-buddhism-3-japanese-ambient-album This video is available for download on Patreon.For a limited time only, you can buy it at 45% off until May 31, 2025. Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/TAKEOSUZUKI/shop/ambient-buddhism-section-27-takeo-suzuki-1176197?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Coupon Code“BFF65”(Valid until May 31, 2025)


https://youtu.be/4XArFoOysIY Ambient Buddhism Section 26 - TAKEO SUZUKI (Official Video) / Psychedelic Therapy Ambient This is the official video for a track from the album [ Ambient Buddhism 3 ] released on April 17, 2024 on bandcamp. bandcampAmbient Buddhism 3 / TAKEO SUZUKI (released April 17, 2024) https://takeosuzuki.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-buddhism-3-japanese-ambient-album This video is available for download on Patreon.For a limited time only, you can buy it at 45% off until May 31, 2025. Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TAKEOSUZUKI/shop/ambient-buddhism-section-26-takeo-suzuki-1170338?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Coupon Code“BFF65”(Valid until May 31, 2025)


https://youtu.be/VSw76H4Vb2Y Ambient Buddhism Section 25 - TAKEO SUZUKI (Official Video) / Psychedelic Therapy Ambient This is the official video for a track from the album [ Ambient Buddhism 3 ] released on April 17, 2024 on bandcamp. bandcampAmbient Buddhism 3 / TAKEO SUZUKI (released April 17, 2024) https://takeosuzuki.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-buddhism-3-japanese-ambient-album


https://youtu.be/nJTwiB7MmVE Ambient Buddhism Section 24 - TAKEO SUZUKI (Official Video) / Psychedelic Therapy Ambient This is the official video for a track from the album [ Ambient Buddhism 2 ] released on February 6, 2024 on bandcamp. bandcampAmbient Buddhism 2 / TAKEO SUZUKI (released February 6, 2024) https://takeosuzuki.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-buddhism-2-japanese-ambient-album