TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician


Techno - Psychill

On short notice, we have released the Psychill music album on bandcamp under our actual name. I selected tracks that fit the overall atmosphere of the album, mainly tracks that were not included in the previously released “Dance of the Earth,” and released them anew. Album name: distant skyRelease date: January 16, 2025 (Japan time)Contains 10 tracks I hope you will visit the site and listen to the album. distant sky - Psychill Tracks by TAKEO SUZUKI


https://soundcloud.com/takeosuzuki/takeo-suzuki-dj-mix-vol10-psytrance-techno?si=caaf3a20d0a74af981c1c0b810793a07&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing A DJ mix soundtrack played mainly tracks from the PsyTrance album “version” released by Japanese electronic musician TAKEO SUZUKI on bandcamp under the alias PSYCHELIDEC. The album can be downloaded from the following link. Album “version”https://psychelidec.bandcamp.com/album/version-psychill-music-clubmix-album(You can download the album in high sound quality on bandcamp)


https://youtu.be/zeOqQ3pMtq0 DJ MIX Vol.7 (Psychedelic Mix) on YouTube, featuring a selection of tracks from Psychill music.


Update of YouTube channel “TAKEO SUZUKI Electronic music Posted VideosTAKEO SUZUKI DJ MIX Vol.2 Posted onSeptember 22, 2024, 7:00 am (Japan time) This time, the mix will be centered around Psychill. Members of the All Contents YouTube membership can watch it now and download the MP 3 file (download link is in the membership post section). (See the membership post for the download link.) YouTube Membership Joinhttps://www.youtube.com/@takeosuzuki_electronic/join Check it out! https://youtu.be/hMLY1feFppM


This time, I selected and mixed Psychill and Ambient Techno, which have a large experimental element among the tracks I have produced. Each track is included in the album released on bandcamp, so please check out the links in the summary section of the video. https://youtu.be/0UxzYCujTV0