TAKEO SUZUKI blog Japanese Electronic musician

Project to provide free music to contemporary dancers


I’ve come up with a little project and I’d like to announce it.
I will offer my music to contemporary dancers who are active on YouTube.
Why don’t you use my music to express your dance?
If you are interested in taking on this challenge, please send a DM to my SNS account after selecting the music you would like to use from the bandcamp website.
I will provide you with the music of your choice free of charge. (MP3 files, though).

You are free to use the music you provide in your own video content. Of course, I will not charge you a fee for doing so.

I love contemporary dance and used to work as a photographer for live performances of contemporary dancers. I am always amazed and impressed by the transcendence of contemporary dancers.

This is a personal ego of a musician who loves contemporary dance and would like to see videos of contemporary dancers dancing with their own music, but I would be very happy if it could come true.


X : https://x.com/takeosuzuki_en
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tasken_music